Find, hire, and retain remote Backend developers in US time zones. Spend less time hiring and more time building.
Software Developers
Hire success rate
Avg. cost savings
Leverage Strider's technology, talent network, and team to fill openings in one to two weeks. Plus, free up your team to focus on building your product.
Access elite, rigorously-vetted engineers without breaking the bank, ensuring you'll get high-quality software at competitive rates.
Whether you need a single developer or an entire team, short-term or long-term, we provide the right talent and engagement model for your unique requirements.
With a network of 50,000+ developers skilled in 100+ technologies, we'll ensure you have the right resources at every stage and help you scale effortlessly.
Software developers
Programming languages mastered
Software job titles covered
Rigorously Vetted
Our developers are rigorously vetted for communication skills, soft skills, and technical ability, ensuring you get exceptional talent.
Beyond the Top 1%
Our precise and curated approach to matching developers with companies ensures you'll get the best developer every role you open with us.
The Right Fit
We understand the importance of cultural fit and how crucial it is to match the right people with the right roles.
Strider developers studied at top universities and worked at leading companies like these:
Our process makes hiring Backend developers effortless. Just tell us what you need. Then, our hiring experts, equipped with our proprietary technology, will curate a shortlist of developers that match your specific needs.
You'll get to meet the developers, choose the best fit for your team, and hire them right on Strider.
Our network of over 50,000 software developers brings expertise in hundreds of technologies, programming languages, and frameworks. We have the right developers to meet your current needs and support your future growth, ensuring you can scale seamlessly as your projects evolve.
We will learn more about your unique needs to provide you with a shortlist of handpicked developers.
Book a callReview detailed developer profiles, and meet them over a video call. Then, choose who you'd like to join your team.
Hire with the click of a button, and start building the future together with your new developer. We take of everything else like paperwork, equipment, and more.
No, it's 100% free to get started with Strider. You only pay if you hire, and there is no obligation to hire.
We've found that most customers end up saving 30-50% compared to hiring an equally talented developers based in the US. When you speak with our hiring experts, they'll get to know more about your role in order to provide an accurate quote.
After your initial call with our hiring experts, we will share a curated shortlist of developers within two business days. Companies we work with typically make a hire within 1-2 weeks after receiving the shortlist. Though, this process can move as fast as you want. Some companies make a hire within a few days after receiving the shortlist.
Yes, we also work with other technology roles like designers, QA, DevOps, and more.
We work with virtually every modern technology stack. You'd be hard-pressed to find a technology we do not cover.
Yes, as a part of our vetting process, we verify that the developers has advanced English skills, so that they can keep up in fast-paced, English-speaking workplaces.
All of our developers work remotely from Latin America. They speak fluent English and work in US time zones. We handle local compliance, so you don't have to worry about the legal aspects and can stay focused on your business.
We vet developers for soft skills, technical skills, and English fluency. This ensures that they'll be able to excel in a remote, US-headquartered work environment.