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Why Strider is the best way to hire developers

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developers on Strider are pre-vetted for soft skills, English communication skills, and tech skills. Hire only the best.

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Strider clients typically hire in 1-2 weeks because we quickly and accurately match you with the right pre-vetted Developers.

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Work with developers based in Latin America who speak fluent English to save 30-50% on software development costs.

PHP developers for hire, and more!

Whether you're looking for PHP developers today, or developers tomorrow, we have you covered. developerss in our network have experience across hundreds of technologies.

Luiza F. Back-end Developer

Proficient in various programming languages and frameworks being able to excel in leading cross-functional teams, architecting scalable solutions, and delivering high-quality products.

Microsoft SQL Server
Diego V. Full-stack Developer

Experienced developer with varied background in big companies and startups. Proficient in designing and executing complex web apps with extensive grasp of front-end and back-end technologies.

Microsoft SQL Server
Caainã J. Full-stack Developer

Successfully delivered a wide range of web applications, showcasing proficiency in front-end and back-end technologies, with more than 10 years of coding from concept to deployment.

Microsoft SQL Server
Bianca S. Full-stack Developer

With over five years of experience in web development, a focus is placed on supporting companies in the building and sustaining of a robust code base using cutting-edge technologies.

Microsoft SQL Server
Ruby on Rails
and 100+ other technologies

Frequently asked questions on how to hire with Strider

No, it's 100% free to get started with Strider. You only pay if you hire, and there is no obligation to hire.

We've found that most customers end up saving 30-50% compared to hiring an equally talented developers based in the US. When you speak with our hiring experts, they'll get to know more about your role in order to provide an accurate quote.

After your initial call with our hiring experts, we will share a curated shortlist of developers within two business days. Companies we work with typically make a hire within 1-2 weeks after receiving the shortlist. Though, this process can move as fast as you want. Some companies make a hire within a few days after receiving the shortlist.

Yes, we also work with other technology roles like designers, QA, DevOps, and more.

We work with virtually every modern technology stack. You'd be hard-pressed to find a technology we do not cover.

Yes, as a part of our vetting process, we verify that the developers has advanced English skills, so that they can keep up in fast-paced, English-speaking workplaces.

All of our developers work remotely from Latin America. They speak fluent English and work in US time zones. We handle local compliance, so you don't have to worry about the legal aspects and can stay focused on your business.

We vet developers for soft skills, technical skills, and English fluency. This ensures that they'll be able to excel in a remote, US-headquartered work environment.

Hire PHP Developers

PHP is a popular server-side scripting language widely used in web development. As the demand for PHP developers continues to grow, engineering leaders and talent acquisition professionals are constantly searching for the best ways to hire skilled PHP developers. Here we will discuss what to look for when hiring the best PHP developers around, share the top 5 PHP developer interview questions, and address common questions about the hiring process.

What to Look for When Hiring PHP Developers?

Technical Skills

A PHP developer must know PHP syntax, programming constructs, and data types. Additionally, their experience working with PHP extensions and libraries is also essential. They should be familiar with popular web development frameworks like Laravel, CodeIgniter, or Symfony. They must also have hands-on experience working with a few of these PHP frameworks and use features like routing, migrations, and ORM.

A good PHP developer should understand how to write efficient database queries, manage database schema, and optimize database performance. While PHP developers typically focus on back-end development, it’s useful if they have solid understanding of front-end development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Problem-Solving Skills

A skilled PHP developer should have extensive experience and strong problem-solving skills. Look for candidates who can analyze complex issues, break them into smaller components, and develop effective solutions.

During the hiring process, employers can assess a PHP developer's problem-solving skills by asking them interview questions that require them to think critically and demonstrate their approach to solving real-world challenges.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for PHP web developers to excel in their work. These skills help developers to work efficiently with other team members, understand project requirements, provide regular updates, and identify and resolve issues. Clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and project delays.

To assess PHP developers, ask them to describe a situation where they faced a communication or collaboration issue with software developers and how they resolved it. Their answer can provide insight into their skills in this area. You may also conduct a practical coding assessment or team exercise to evaluate a developer's communication and collaboration skills.


The PHP ecosystem is constantly evolving with new technologies, frameworks, and libraries being released regularly. An adaptable PHP programmer can easily adapt to new developments in a programming language, tools, and technologies and is capable of working with multiple frameworks.

Relevant Experience

Experienced PHP developers are also more likely to have encountered various challenges in their previous projects, making them more equipped to handle complex tasks and find innovative solutions.

Top 5 PHP Developer Interview Questions

In what situations would you recommend using PHP for web development?

This question is designed to evaluate the candidate's knowledge and experience with PHP as a web development language, as well as their ability to match project requirements to the strengths and weaknesses of PHP.
A possible answer to this question could be: PHP is recommended for web development when building dynamic websites that require frequent updates and changes. It is well-suited for custom web applications that use a MySQL database or rely heavily on open-source platforms.

Overall, the key to answering this question is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of PHP and match those to the given project's requirements.

How would you implement an API authentication system in Laravel? What security measures would you take to ensure the system is secure?

This interview question is designed to assess the candidate's proficiency and experience in developing secure API authentication systems using Laravel.

The candidate’s answer should include how Laravel's built-in Passport package is used to implement the API authentication system. It should also include how it uses middleware to authenticate requests and limit access based on user roles and permissions to ensure the system is secure.

The answer related to security should include SSL encryption for data in transit and storing passwords in hashed format. They should also talk about using rate limiting to prevent brute force attacks and implement measures to prevent token hijacking and replay attacks.

A strong candidate should also articulate their approach to preventing common security threats.

What measures can be taken to avoid SQL injection attacks in PHP applications?

This question is related to PHP security measures, specifically in regard to avoiding SQL injection attacks. A strong answer to this question would demonstrate the candidate's understanding of the potential vulnerabilities that can arise from SQL injection attacks and their ability to implement preventive measures to protect PHP applications.

The candidate should start by explaining SQL injections as a malicious attack in which an attacker injects malicious code into a SQL statement, allowing them to manipulate or access data they shouldn't have access to. 

While answering, the candidate should suggest utilizing prepared statements, parameterized queries, or PHP data objects (PDO) as preventive measures against SQL injection attacks.

Additionally, the candidate should be able to describe how they have implemented these measures in their previous PHP development projects and provide examples of how they have identified and resolved potential security vulnerabilities.

Can you explain the concept of namespacing in PHP and its benefits?

This question assesses the candidate's knowledge of an essential feature in PHP's object-oriented programming paradigm: namespacing. It helps to avoid naming conflicts by organizing code into logical and unique namespaces. 

A good candidate should be able to explain how namespacing works and how they have used it in their own development process. They should also discuss how namespacing improves code organization and makes autoloading easier.

What is overloading and overriding in PHP?

This question is important because it assesses the candidate's understanding of two fundamental object-oriented programming concepts in the PHP programming language.

Possible answer: overloading allows you to define multiple methods within a class that shares the same name but can accept different parameters based on the context in which they are used. This means that a single method name can be used for different purposes depending on the number and type of arguments passed to it.

Overriding occurs when a subclass provides a different implementation of a method already defined in its parent class. This allows the subclass to customize the behavior of the inherited method without having to rewrite the entire method from scratch.

A strong candidate should be able to provide a clear and concise explanation of both overloading and overriding and examples of how they can be used in PHP. They should also list the drawbacks and benefits of using both.

Common questions about hiring PHP developers

A full-stack developer is someone who knows both frontend and backend technology. PHP is a backend technology so being a PHP developer doesn't necessarily mean you’re a full-stack developer. 

However, if someone is proficient in front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as PHP, they can be considered full-stack developers. When hiring, ensure whether you need a developer with expertise in multiple areas or someone specializing in PHP development.

Yes, hiring remote PHP developers is a viable option, especially with the increasing availability of skilled talent across the globe. Remote developers can offer a cost-effective solution and access to a larger talent pool. However, keep in mind the potential challenges of doing remote work and working with remote developers in very different time zones, which can make collaboration more difficult.

The time it takes to hire a PHP developer can vary depending on several factors, such as the availability of candidates, the complexity of the project, and the specific skill set required to hire a PHP developer.  

In general, a traditional recruiting process may take months to hire the right person. Whereas, with platforms like Strider, this process can be made much simpler and less time-consuming.

To effectively test a PHP developer's skills during the interview process, consider using a combination of methods, such as:

  • Technical questions: Ask questions that test the candidate's knowledge of PHP concepts, frameworks, and best practices.
  • Coding tests: Provide a coding challenge or a take-home assignment to assess the candidate's problem-solving abilities and coding skills.
  • Project-related questions: They must be asked questions related to the projects they have worked on and what challenges they faced.
  • Code review: Request the candidate to review a sample code snippet and provide feedback on potential improvements or issues.

Hiring the right PHP and web developer is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your project/organization. By carefully considering what to look for in a candidate, asking the right interview questions, and addressing common concerns, you can streamline the hiring process and build a strong development team. Don't hesitate to explore remote hiring options. Consider regions like Latin America, where you can find a rich talent pool of skilled and dedicated PHP developers, programmers and developers with time zone compatibility and cultural affinity.


When deciding between hiring a junior, mid-level, or senior PHP developer, consider the full cost to hire the following factors:

  • Project complexity: Evaluate the technical requirements and complexity of your project to determine the level of expertise needed.
  • Budget: Consider your budget constraints and the potential cost differences between hiring a junior, mid-level, or senior developer.
  • Mentorship and growth opportunities: If you have the resources to provide mentorship and support, hiring a junior developer can be a valuable investment in your team's long-term growth.
  • Time to market: Senior developers may be better equipped to tackle complex projects quickly, while junior developers may require more time and guidance.

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